Charming bed and breakfast and gƮte in the heart of the Loire castles

Gardens, Museums, and wine cellars

There is not only castles!
Discover all what the region Centre-Val de Loire can propose you for other cultural or greedy visits :

International Garden Festival:

Every year since 1992 the domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire is the place of an international festival.
The theme changes every year and in 2017 25 selected gardens presents each an original artistic creation on the theme ā€œFlower powerā€ from April 20th till November 5th, 2017. The images below show you some gardens of last years.

Visits of the other gardens:

The gardens of Villandry are magnificent all year round: medieval garden, formal garden, landscape garden, kitchen garden so many remarkable gardensā€¦
Many more gardens are to visit in Loir-et-Cher or Indre-et-Loire and for example the gardens of the castle of Valmer, the garden of ChatonniĆØre, the garden of the castle of SasniĆØresā€¦

The museums of BLOIS :

The ā€ Maison de la magie ā€ (house of a magic) is situated in front of the royal ChĆ¢teau. Collections are presented to it, magic tricks, optical illusions and entertainments of magic. It is a playful and cultural family entertainment.

The ā€œFoundation of the doubt ā€œ, site of artistic expresssion which is an artist Benā€™s project. The big wall of the courtyard is decorated with Benā€™s original works. To see and to explore if the contemporary art attracts you.

Museum of the resistance, Museum of the object and Natural history museum: Good ideas to complete your visit of the city which possesses the label ā€œCity of Art and Historyā€.

Visits of cellars:

The region Centre-val de Loire is a wine-producing region. For the amateurs a visit of cellars allows to discover wines of the Val de Loire. Thenay is situated in the heart of vineyards AOC (PROTECTED DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN) Touraine. You will also discover AOC CHEVERNY or COUR-CHEVERNY.Cooperatives, independent wine growers (among which many chose to work in reasoned vine growing or in BIO), or producers traders, we will guide you and recommend you some good places.Among these you can, besides the tasting, deepen your knowledge on the vineyard and the wine making by visits in cellars or circuit in vineyards. Do not hesitate to ask us advice and to go on social networks for punctual events.

And in another register :

 In BourrĆ©, near Montrichard, you will also visit the ā€ Cellar of Rocks ā€œ, cellar mushroom bed and subterranean city sculptured in the tufa, the limestone which has been used to building all the beautiful ChĆ¢teaux of the Loire valley. Fascinating discovery of the culture of mushrooms and the history of the quarries of tufa.

 Other visits varied toward AMBOISE :

The park of mini-castles presents, on 2 hectares, 44 faithful reproductions of ChĆ¢teaux of the Loire valley. A good idea for an overview of all this architectural wealth and a very playful space for the children.

The pagoda of Chanteloup, last testimony of a very big castle totally destroyed in 1823. The history of this domain is fascinating and the parc is grand.

The aquarium of Touraine: fishes of fresh water, tactile pond and tunnel of sharks, a beautiful alternative of indoor visit to vary the pleasures.

The safari train and the wildlife park of AutrĆØche: a good idea for the youngest. You will see big games, and there from May till September, ā€œthe nursery of baby ostrichā€. Leisure park also for the relaxation.

Greedy visits :

In BRACIEUX: the Max VAUCHƉ chocolate factory. Visit, tasting, chocolate-bar, workshops, shop. A delight for eyes and papillae!

In Contres: visit of the workshop ā€“ shop of cakes Saint-Michel. This is where they make ā€œmadeleinesā€ but also create new biscuits which you can discover on the spot.

Other visits near MONTRICHARD in BourrƩ :

Visit of a magnanerie, put back in service to explain the work of the silkworms which was very important of the time of kings of France in the region. Catherine de Medicis introduced plane trees mulberry trees on which feed the silkworms. This visit also allows to visit a troglodytic house.

In THƉSƉE : Gallo-Roman ruins are the testimony of the period of the antiquity in our region. A museum completes the visit.

In SOLOGNE,  in Saint-Viatre, discover the life of ponds in a dedicated place and in Romorantin the museum MATRA and the museum of the live in Sologne.

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